You can also open Terminal using the Finder: Click Finder. This searches for and opens a new Terminal window. For example: To open iTunes: open -a iTunes Use quotation. However, adding -a followed by the name of an application instructs Terminal to open that Application, no matter where it is located.
The open command normally requires you to input the full file path from your current directory. You can also open Terminal by using spotlight in the right hand top corner.Step 2, Open an application from anywhere. Look for Terminal in Applications → Utilities → Terminal. Open with Spotligh Step 1, Launch Terminal. The Terminal application will start and open a command prompt window. Here are three ways to open Terminal: Open with LaunchPad. Terminal is not located at the most obvious place on your Mac, and maybe that's one of the reasons you have never seen it before. To open it: Open Finder Click Applications Click Utilities And Click Terminal Another way to open the Terminal app is to use Spotlight (Spotlight not working?). So you may do one of the following: As I stated above Terminal an app that can be found in /Applications/Utilities. There are a number of different ways to open Terminal. while GUI does make the job easy thanks to the ease of use and attractive graphics, the more Pro users prefer using their OS the old fashioned way. 0 One of the best aspects of operating systems is that they can be used via the GUI (Graphics User Interface) or Command-Line. A command has three elements to it the command itself, which calls a specific tool, an. Using Terminal is straightforward: you type a command on the command-line and press Return to execute it.